The Collaborative School Committee (CSC) meetings are open to everyone. We welcome parents, staff, and community members to attend.

The CSC is charged with: 

Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)

ELA-PAC is the organization in charge of communication between parents and the school regarding English Language Acquisition programming. All ELA Program schools must have an ELA-PAC, according to a court-ordered consent decree.

What are the responsibilities of ELA-PACs?

The legally-mandated responsibilities of ELA-PACs are to:

CSC/PAC Samuels October 22, 2024

In attendance:

Cesar Rivera, Jeff Harper, Sharlyn Flaxer, Julia Hyche, Karen Ruzycki, Guadalupe Lujan, Silvia Cruz, Ligia Gibson, Josh Norris, Dolly Calderon, Chad Rogers, Ana Silva, Mariam Moy

For the first meeting of the school year we  had introductions.

The CSC Bylaws were approved.

Budget and enrollment were discussed.

Enrollment is at  534 with a  budget of over 5 million.

Classroom enrollment  has 35 students in all of the ELA- S classes.

Staffing is currently fine  with hopes of keeping the staff count for the next school year.

Yearly Title One Meeting was presented.

Samuels is a 80% free and reduced  school.

Optimistic Closure- A successful school year.

Next meeting will be November 19, 2024  at  4PM

November 2024 CSC

CSC/PAC January 14th, 2025

Each Child. Each Opportunity. Our Responsibility.
Samuels Elementary Collaborative School Committee & Parent Advisory Committee January 14, 2025
4:00-5:00 PM
GoogleMeet Link:
At Samuels Elementary, we inspire each child to pursue limitless opportunities
that will launch him, her, or them to make a once unimaginable impact on our
I. Warm Welcome
II. CMAS & CMAS Engagement Series
A. Cinnamon Rolls for Samilies & CMAS, 1.9.25
B. Muffins for Moms & CMAS, 2.13.25
C. Donuts for Dads & CMAS, 3.13.25
III. Enrollment Projection (K-5): 482
A. Current K-5 Enrollment: 479
IV. FY25 Budget Development Timeline Review
A. 12.3.24 Preliminary Enrollment Projections
B. 12.13.24 Deadline for Principal Feedback on Enrollment
C. 1.10.24 Final Enrollment Projections
D. 1.15.25 Superintendent Budget Call
E. 1.16.25 Budget Forms Sent to School Leaders
F. 1.21.25–1.31.25 Budget Development Meetings

  1. 1.27.24 Samuels Budget Development Meeting
    G. 1.31.25 Budget Assistance Request Deadline
    H. 2.5.25 SLT Budget Assistance Review and Decisions Communicated
    V. Budget Priorities Discussion & Survey
    VI. Optimistic Closure
    VII. Next Meeting: March 11, 2025 4:00-5:00
    *Guadalupe Lujan provides Spanish Interpretation

CSC/PAC Samuels  meeting was called to order on January 14, 2025 at 4PM

In attendance:

Cesar Rivera, Chad Rogers, Simi Landau,Karen Beighle,Mariam Mazooji, Dolly Calderon,Mary Lanni, Josh Norris, Karen Ruzycki, Sharlyn Flaxer, Jeff Harper, Guadalupe Lujan. Ligia Gibson, Ana Silva

Budget, Enrollment and CMAS were discussed.

Budget timeline for the next school year is to  be determined within the months of December 3, 2024-February 5, 2025.  

Enrollment is very stable in fact we are up to 481 not counting ECE. The enrollment projection is 482.

Samuels is very lucky to have a healthy budget for the next school year 2025.  There are  not any  plans  for staff reduction.

Samuels is working hard to promote CMAS testing for students this  year.

There will be parent breakfasts each month for information on promoting  the CMAS tests.

January 9th there was  CInnamon Rolls for Samilies.   Being the fact the weather was not the best  the turn out was not like expected.

The next  CMAS breakfasts are planned for February 13, and March 13.

Optimistic  closure- MLK day January 20, 2025

We came a long way but not far enough.

Next meeting  is March 11, 2025  4-5 PM